Asian Journal of Basic Science & Research

Asian Journal of Basic Science & Research (AJBSR) is an open-access, peer-reviewed International Journal, that publishes articles from Engineering, Medical, Arts, Science and Related Multidisciplinary domains. AJBSR publishes four four issues in a year. AJBSR accepts research articles, review articles, micro articles, case studies and short communications on all multidisciplinary subjects. All the published articles will be indexed in leading indexing bodies like Google Scholar, Researchgate, Index Copernicus, Academia, etc. All papers submitted to AJBSR will undergo double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer’s and the author’s identities are remained undisclosed throughout the review process. Review process gets completed once the reviewers complete the review process, which may take few weeks to few months. Please read “Instructions to authors” before submitting your manuscript. The decision from Editor in Chief will be considered as final.

Mission: AJBSR focuses on how the innovations in science, engineering, technology and management will impact the lives of the people worldwide, and thus making the scientific community to make progress to the next level.

Vision: AJBSR aims to progress the development of researchers, engineers, doctors and scientists across the globe by delivering recent information to them via the published papers. Also, our vision is to move forward to reach out to all indexing bodies, so that authors can showcase their contributions to the entire world.

Coverage: AJBSR covers broad fields of Advanced Accounts and Finance, Administration, Agricultural Science, Advanced Physics and Chemistry, Archaeology, Arts, Aviation Science, Business Management, Chemistry, Civil, Computer Engineering and Networking, Earth Sciences, Education, Energy Engineering, Engineering and Technology, English Literature, Environment, Economics, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics, Financial Management, Food, Future Science, General Administration, Geology, Health, Humanities, Human resource Management, Information Systems and Management, Life-Sciences, Management, Materials, Mechanics, Medicine, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Pharmacy and Pathology, Philosophy, Public administration, Shipping and Oceanography, Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Sciences, etc.

Important Information: Corresponding author is responsible for own paper contents. Authors have to refer and cite those contents which comes from other papers. In case of plagiarism, the paper will be dropped immediately without being forwarded for review. After online publication, the removal of articles from website is impossible (kindly read the ethics and policies). Authors are requested to follow the journal template (which can be downloaded from downloads section) while submitting their papers. Papers will be published only after receiving the signed copyright form from all authors who were listed in the manuscript. All the articles submitted will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin, prior to review.

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