Terms & Conditions
(1) The term AJBSR indicates Asian Journal of Basic Science & Research.
(2) Publisher represents Nemeth Publishers.
(3) Paper indicates the submitted article.
(4) Author indicates the corresponding author in the paper.
(5) Corresponding author indicates the author who submitted the paper.
(6) Co-author indicates the authors listed in the paper other than the corresponding author.
(7) Publication fees represent the charges (one-time) to be paid to the journal by the authors.
(8) Publication indicates the publication of the paper on the journal website.
(9) Copyright Agreement indicates authorization by the author to publish the paper in the journal to identify AJBSR Journal as the original journal.
(1) There are no charges for paper submission.
(2) Papers must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration by another journal published by any publisher.
(3) The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the paper's submission has been approved by all the other co-authors.
(4) It is also the corresponding author's responsibility to ensure that the papers originating from a particular institution are submitted with prior approval of the necessary institution.
(5) Only the acknowledgment (with paper ID) from the editorial office officially establishes the date of receipt of the paper.
(6) All papers are subject to peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence.
(7) Submissions will be considered by the editor if not rejected by peer reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors.
(8) Publication fee (one-time) has to be paid to the journal after acceptance of the paper. The fee details are mentioned in the “Instructions to Authors” on the Journal website.
(9) We do not provide Hardcopy of the publication certificate. Softcopy of the publication certificate will be sent to the corresponding author only upon request. In this case, individual certificates will be provided to all the authors via the corresponding author.
(10) Galley proof will be provided to the corresponding author prior to online publication. The approval of galley proof indicates that all the authors have checked and consented to the publication of the paper.
(11) It is the condition of submission of a paper that the authors permit editing of the paper for readability.
(12) No changes will be permitted once DOI is assigned to the paper.
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(14) Authors are exclusively responsible for the statements and opinions advanced by them.
(15) All the authors in the paper have to indicate their individual signatures in the Copyright agreement form.
(16) The paper will be published only after the corresponding author issues the duly signed copyright form via e-mail.
(17) AJBSR Journal never tolerates plagiarism. If the article is found to be plagiarized, it will be summarily rejected with a notification email to the corresponding author.
(18) Authors have to submit the papers as individual entities, this means that bulk paper submission via a single e-mail will not be considered for further processing.
(19) After publication, if any third-party authors report plagiarism or copying their figures/materials that were not detected during our screening process, the paper will be analyzed properly and retracted from the website within 7 days of reporting if there is proper evidence of plagiarism. A retraction note will be sent to the corresponding author.
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